Remember, all the money you save won't be all you have. You'll receive interest payments on the money you deposit. Also, your employer will deposit some money to your account, depending on the kind of plan you have with them (as discussed in previous posts). But the real bucks comes in when you start to invest.
Investment dividends can get you a couple hundred bucks a month for your retirement. Also, the stocks you hold in your account can change value, which adds value to your retirement account (and if they go down, it can subtract value). So while you could have $300k in your account, only a couple thousand of that would be cash, and the rest would be the value of stocks that you buy. Depending on the economy, you can gain or lose, so you should always talk to your financial adviser about what type of investments you can make (more on investments in the next post).
But you should be smart with your investments; I've seen plans with steady growth, and I've seen plans with massive increases and decreases per month. I've seen doctors that throw money into their account like it's going out of style, just to lose $60k in one month due to over-investment. Be smart, this is your hard earned money, and if it looks like the economy is going downhill, invest in something safe.
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